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Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile dysfunction is the persistent inability to achieve and maintain penile erection. Also referred to as impotence, problems with penile erection can be a sign of an underlying health condition that requires treatment and is a risk factor for heart disease.

Causes of ED

Erectile dysfunction is often a symptom of an underlying health condition or another health-related factor. Several factors affecting the nervous system, endocrine system and vascular system can cause ED. Although the risk of ED increases with age, ED dysfunction can be treated at any age.

The following conditions can lead to ED:

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Heart and blood vessel disease

  • Atherosclerosis

  • High blood pressure

  • Chronic kidney disease

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Peyronie’s disease

  • Prostate cancer treatment, including radiation therapy and surgery

  • Injury to the penis, bladder, prostate, spinal cord or pelvis

  • Surgery for bladder cancer


ED dysfunction can be a side effect of medications, such as:

  • Blood pressure medicine

  • Antiandrogens (used for prostate cancer therapy)

  • Antidepressants

  • Prescription sedatives

  • Appetite suppressants

  • Ulcer medicines

Psychological or Emotional Issues

Certain emotional or psychological factors can make erectile dysfunction worse. An individual may develop erectile dysfunction in case of:

  • Fear of sexual failure

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Low self-esteem

Health-related factors and behaviours 

  • Drinking excessive alcohol

  • Smoking

  • Using illegal drugs

  • Not being physically active

  • Being overweight


In many cases, a doctor may order a physical exam and discuss medical history to diagnose erectile dysfunction and also recommend treatment. If a doctor suspects that an underlying condition may be involved, further tests may include:

  • Physical examination: This involves a careful and detailed examination of the penis, testicles and checking the nerves for sensation.

  • Blood test: A sample of blood will be sent to a lab to check for signs of low testosterone levels, diabetes, heart disease and other health conditions.

  • Urine tests (urinalysis): Similar to blood tests, urine tests also help detect signs of diabetes and other underlying health conditions.

  • Psychological examination: A doctor may ask questions to screen for depression and other psychological causes of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction treatment

Based on the cause and severity of erectile dysfunction and underlying health conditions (if any), the treatment options may vary. 

Oral medications

Oral medications for erectile dysfunction treatment may include:

  • Avanafil

  • Vardenafil

  • Tadalafil

  • Sildenafil

These medications help enhance the effects of nitric oxide- a chemical that the body produces to relax the muscles in the penis. This helps increase the blood flow and get an erection in response to sexual stimulation.

Note: The medications for erectile dysfunction treatment may vary in dosage and have different side effects. Taking these tablets does not automatically help get an erection.

Other medications for erectile dysfunction treatment may include Alprostadil self-injection and alprostadil urethral suppository.

An alprostadil self-injection uses a fine-needle to inject alprostadil in the base or side of the penis. Each injection is dosed to create a short-lasting erection. Alprostadil urethral suppository on the other hand, involves placing a tiny alprostadil suppository inside the penis to help with erection.

Hormone Replacement Therapy 

Hormone replacement therapy helps boost energy, improve mood, bone density, increase muscle mass and sexual interest in men with deficient levels of testosterone. 

However, testosterone replacement is not recommended for men with normal testosterone levels for their age, due to a higher risk of enlargement of prostate and other side effects. 

Surgical Procedures

If medications are not effective, a doctor may recommend a different treatment including:

Penis pumps also known as a vacuum erection device and penile implants.

Note: Penile implants are not usually recommended until other methods have been tested first.


Moderate to vigorous aerobic activity helps reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. Regular exercise and physical activity is vital to improve erectile dysfunction.

Psychological Counselling

If erectile dysfunction is caused by stress, anxiety or depression or is linked to relationship tension, a doctor might recommend visiting a counsellor or a psychologist.

Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction

For a majority of people erectile dysfunction is caused by poor lifestyle choices. Here are some steps that can help prevent ED dysfunction.

  • Quit smoking: Consult a doctor about nicotine replacement with over-the-counter gum or prescription medicine to help quit smoking.

  • Lose extra weight: Being overweight or obese can also cause or worsen erectile dysfunction.

  • Exercise daily: Including physical activity in your daily routine will help reduce weight, manage stress and improve flood flow, creating a positive effect on erectile dysfunction.

  • Reduce alcohol intake: Consuming excessive alcohol or illegal drugs can cause long-term health problems and worsen erectile dysfunction.

  • Work through relationship problems: Consider couples counselling in case of trouble communicating with a partner or resolving relationship tension.


What is the main cause of erectile dysfunction?

ED dysfunction happens when the blood flow in the penis is reduced or the nerves are harmed. Stress and other emotional reasons are also common causes of ED.

How is erectile dysfunction diagnosed?

An ED dysfunction can be diagnosed with the help of urine test (urinalysis), penile doppler ultrasound, or tests that help measure if the nerves in the penis respond to vibrations, commonly referred to as penile biothesiometry.

What does erectile dysfunction look like?

The main symptom of erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or maintain an erection. This is temporary in most cases, however it can have a negative effect on relationships in case of an inability to maintain an erection long enough for sexual intercourse.

Can erectile dysfunction be cured permanently?

Some of the causes of ED dysfunction are easier to cure as compared to others. However, with the right diagnosis, treatment and emotional support, erectile dysfunction can be treated permanently.

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