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Brain Tumor Surgery in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR, India

What is Brain Tumor Surgery?

A brаіn tumоr is аn abnormal grоwth of tіѕѕuе in thе brаіn or Spinal cord or ѕріnе. It оссurѕ whеn abnormal cells form wіthіn the brain. Cаnсеrоuѕ tumоrѕ саn bе dіvіdеd іntо рrіmаrу tumors that ѕtаrt wіthіn the brain and ѕесоndаrу tumоrѕ that have spread from ѕоmеwhеrе else, known as mеtаѕtаѕіѕ brаіn tumоrѕ. 

Brain tumоrѕ may produce ѕуmрtоmѕ thаt vаrу dереndіng оn thе size and раrt оf thе brain involved. Thеѕе ѕуmрtоmѕ may іnсludе hеаdасhеѕ, ѕеіzurеѕ, problem wіth vision, vomiting and mental сhаngе. The hеаdасhе is wоrѕе in the morning and gоеѕ аwау with vomiting. More ѕресіfіс рrоblеmѕ may іnсludе difficulty in walking, speaking аnd hearing. As the dіѕеаѕе progresses,drowsiness & coma may happen in later stages.

Types of Brain Tumor Surgery

There are several methods that can effectively treat brain tumors. The type of techniques for brain tumor surgery depends on the size and location of the tumor. some of the common brain tumors surgeries are as follows:

1. CyberKnife Radiosurgery

CyberKnife is a robotic stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) system that treats tumors anywhere in the body with extreme precision. Unlike traditional surgery, CyberKnife involves no incisions. It uses targeted radiation to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumors.

Some of the commonly treated conditions include:

  • Primary and Secondary Brain Tumors: CyberKnife is effective for the treatment of both forms of brain tumors.

  • Spinal Tumors: Tumors located within the spinal cord can also be treated with CyberKnife.

  • Meningioma: This type of benign tumor affecting the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord can be treated with CyberKnife SRS.

  • Acoustic Neuroma: Benign tumors at the auditory nerve can be effectively treated with this method.

  • Pituitary Adenomas: Tumors situated at the base of the brain can also be treated with CyberKnife SRS.

  • Vascular Malformations: Abnormal formations of blood vessels can be addressed using CyberKnife SRS.

  • Functional Disorders: Certain neurological conditions like trigeminal neuralgia and essential tremor may also be treated with CyberKnife SRS.

How’s CyberKnife Done?

  1. Imaging Technology: The system uses imaging technologies like CT and MRI to identify and track the location of the tumor in real time.

  2. Robotic Arm: The robotic arm follows the movement of the patient which enables the system to adjust for breathing motion and makes targeting much more easily achievable.

  3. Radiation Treatment: With the aid of high-powered machines, low levels of radiation are provided to the specific tumor region while avoiding any healthy tissues.

CyberKnife vs. Traditional Radiation Therapy



Traditional Radiation


Sub-millimeter accuracy

Less precise

Treatment Sessions





May involve surgical procedures

Recovery Time



2. Craniotomy

A craniotomy is the partial removal of the skull for the excision of the tumor as well as gaining access to the brain. Replacement and securing of the skull piece follows after surgery.

3. MRI-Guided Laser Ablation

A less invasive set of procedures include the use of lasers to destroy tumorous tissues while using real-time MRIs for precision guidance.

4. Endoscopic Brain Tumor Surgery (Neuroendoscopy)

Neuroendoscopy means removing the tumor with the help of a small camera and other tools which are passed through the nasal cavity or an opening on the skull.

5. Tubular Retractor System for Neurosurgery

This method involves using a tubular device to gently displace brain tissue, creating a pathway to the tumor with minimal damage.

6. Awake Surgery for Brain Tumors

During awake brain surgery, the patient stays alert so that the surgeon can treat the brain tumor while the person is conscious. This way, the patient can perform tasks such as speaking, moving, or sensing while the critical areas of the brain are not touched.

When to Consider Brain Tumor Surgery

Seeking timely medical attention can make a crucial difference. Schedule a consultation if you experience:

  • Persistent headaches that worsen over time

  • New onset seizures

  • Changes in vision or hearing

  • Unexplained nausea or vomiting

  • Balance problems or difficulty walking

  • Memory changes or confusion

  • Weakness or numbness in limbs

  • Speech difficulties

Our expert team conducts thorough evaluations using advanced imaging to determine if surgery represents your best treatment option.

Diagnosis of Brаіn Tumоr Surgery

Not all tumors are cancerous. The symptoms of a malignant tumor and a benign tumor may be similar; however, the long-term effects of the two differ significantly, depending on how well the tumor is managed.

  • Benign tumors are generally easier to remove because they have a defined outline and rarely recur once extracted.

  • Malignant tumors, on the other hand, are cancerous and more intricately bound to brain tissues, making them more complex to remove.

Brain tumors also indicate that malignant tumors are more likely to recur after surgical removal. However, surgery is considered the first step in the treatment of most benign tumors and many malignant ones.

The complexity of brain tumor surgery depends not only on the type of tumor but also on its location. Most tumors are tightly connected to brain tissue or positioned in difficult-to-reach areas.

Accessing these areas is considered risky because it can cause further damage to brain tissue. Nevertheless, modern medical technology has enabled the use of advanced techniques to delicately access these areas without interfering with the surrounding tissues of the lesion or tumor being removed. 

Preparing for Brain Tumor Surgery

Treatment for brain tumor depends on a number of fасtоrѕ including: 

  • the patient's аgе 

  • thе tуре of tumor

  • location of tumor

  • ѕіzе оf the tumоr

Before the procedure, the hospital provides pre-surgery instructions to help you prepare for the surgery. The doctor examines your diagnostic reports which include tests such as MRI or CT scans, blood tests, for thorough analysis. 

It is important to discuss your:

  • history of medical conditions

  • ongoing medications

  • history of allergies associated with anesthesia to reduce risk of complications during the surgery

There are medicines that patients might have to refrain from taking, along with following a particular diet, and of course meeting with the neurosurgeon to talk about the operation in detail along with what benefits it will bring. Mental preparation and counseling are also crucial aspects of preparation.

What are the Risks of Brain Tumor Surgery?

While brain tumor surgery is a safe procedure, certain complications can occur due to factors like the age and medical health of the patient, the location and size of the tumor in the brain, and the medical expertise of the surgeon. It is important to discuss the risks associated with brain tumor surgery with the doctor to avoid any complications. Brain tumor surgery risks involve the following - 

  • Severe Infection

  • Abnormal Bleeding

  • Swelling within the brain

  • Seizures

  • Neurological deficits such as speech impairment or memory loss

  • Stroke

  • Recurrence of the tumor

What to expect after the brain tumor surgery?

  • When the operation is done, the patient is first taken to a recovery room where their vitals will be monitored. When their condition is stable, the patient is moved to the ICU for more detailed checks.

  • MRI is conducted after surgery to check how effective the surgery was. On average, most patients are required to stay in the hospital for 2–3 days.

  • Recovery periods differ depending on the patient, but in general, normal activities can be resumed within 6 weeks to 3 months. To make sure the recovery is complete, regular appointments with the physician are required.

Recovery After Brain Tumor Surgery

Post-operative care looks into dealing with any side effects that may occur, treating complications, as well as the rehabilitation process. This may include:

  • Monitoring in an intensive care unit (ICU)

  • Pain management and medication

  • Physical and occupational therapy

  • Follow-up imaging to check for residual tumor

  • Radiation or chemotherapy, if needed

Recovery from brain surgery can be quite a lengthy process. The duration generally depends on the procedure that took place and also the patient’s health status. It’s important to note that recovery time after benign tumor surgery is significantly shorter than after malignant tumor surgery.

Contact Artemis Hospital for Brain Tumor Surgery

For expert care, call us today at +91-124-451-1111 or WhatsApp us at +91-959-928-5476. You can also easily schedule an appointment through our online patient portal or download the Artemis Personal Health Record mobile app, available for both iOS and Android devices. Your health is our priority—let us help you take the next step toward healing.

Reviewed By Dr. Aditya Gupta
Chairperson - Neurosurgery & CNS Radiosurgery & Co-Chief - Cyberknife Centre
Artemis Hospitals

Frequently Asked Questions about Surgery for Brain Tumors

What is life after surgery for a brain tumor?

Following surgery, every person reacts differently. Some patients are ready to return to work within weeks while others might need rehabilitation for their speech, movement, or memory.

Can you elaborate on the risks associated with brain tumor surgery?

It is indeed a highly sensitive surgical procedure bearing its own risks. However, like all other things, it has improved over the years with better technology and surgical techniques.

What brain tumor success rates should I expect, is it the same as other types?

It all depends on the tumor’s type/grade, size, location, and the general health of the patient. Generally, benign tumors have higher success rates.

Will my memory be affected after undergoing brain tumor surgery?

It is possible indeed to lose some of your memory depending on the area of the brain targeted for surgery. The good news is that almost all patients only temporarily face the issue of memory loss.

Will my head be shaved before surgery?

Typically, only the region of the scalp that the surgery site will be shaved.

Who Can Use CyberKnife?

CyberKnife is appropriate for patients who have:

  • Tumors in locations that are surgically inaccessible.

  • Tumors in their early stages or only in specific areas.

  • Tumors that are recurrent after several previous treatments.

  • Patients who wish to avoid surgery.

What are the Benefits of CyberKnife Treatment

  • Non Invasive: The procedure is completely non-invasive and painless and requires no anesthesia.

  • Accurate Targeting: Real-time imaging makes it possible to track the movement of the tumor along with the patient. During these moments, the robotic arms can accurately target the tumor with the radiation.

  • No Downtime: After the treatment, patients are able to carry on with their normal activities as there is little to no downtime.

  • Quick Sessions: Usually, CyberKnife sessions do not last for more than 5 days.

  • Targeting Issues: The treatment is ideal for hard to reach tumors or ones that were previously untreatable.

Are there any side effects a person faces after surgery for a brain tumor?

The most common ones are headaches, fatigue, swelling, and even some temporary neurological deficits. Although severe side effects like seizures or infections are extremely rare, they can occur.

Can you live life to the fullest if you have a brain tumor?

With care before and after, many patients can lead an active life after undergoing surgery for a brain tumor.

What are the steps in diagnosing a brain tumor prior to surgery?

Doctors use imaging scans such as MRIs or CTs and conduct neurological assessments. In some cases, an MRI guided biopsy is performed, which is when a thin needle is used to extract brain tissue. Artemis Hospital has some of the best neurosurgeons in Gurgaon and has over 20 years in performing advanced brain tumor surgery. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

How many days are required in the hospital following a brain tumor surgery?

Generally patients require hospitalization for 3 to 7 days, but this depends on how complicated the surgery was and how well the patient heals.

Is Brain tumor surgery painful?

No, brain tumor surgery is not painful as these operations are performed under general or local anesthesia . However, there may be mild pain or discomfort around the incision site as the effect of anesthesia subsides. 

How many hours of surgery is required to treat brain tumors?

Surgery ranges from 3 to 12 hours depending on the type, size, and grade of the tumor.

Is it possible for brain tumors to reappear after surgery has been done?

Yes, especially for the malignant type of tumors, there is a chance of recurrence of the tumor. Routine follow up and imaging checking is vital.

Which neurosurgeon is best for brain tumor removal?

Look for an experienced, board-certificated neurosurgeon with a record of successful results from brain tumor surgeries.

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