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Cervical Spondylosis Treatment

What is Cervical Spondylosis? 

Cervical spondylosis is a term used to define age-related wear and tear that affects the spinal disks in the neck. As the disks begin to shrink, the signs of osteoarthritis start to become noticeable, including bone spurs (projections) along the edges of bones.

Cervical spondylosis is common and its risk increases with age. A majority of people with spondylosis experience no symptoms. However, when the symptoms do occur, non surgical treatments are often effective.

Cervical Spondylosis Symptoms

Most people with cervical spondylosis experience no symptoms. In some cases, cervical spondylosis causes narrowing of the spinal canal within the vertebrae (bones of the spine). Spinal canal is a space in the vertebrae that the spinal cord passes to reach the rest of the body. When the spinal cord becomes pinched, a person may experience:

  • Weakness and numbness in the arms and legs

  • Difficulty walking and lack of coordination

  • Loss of bowel control

Cervical Spondylosis Causes

Due to ageing, the structures that make the neck and backbone gradually undergo wear and tear. These changes include:

  • Dehydrated disks: As a person reaches the age of 40, a majority of disks begin to shrink. This causes more bone-on-bone contact between the vertebrae.

  • Herniated disks: Cracks on the exterior of spinal disks, causing the disk’s soft interiors to squeeze. This presses on the spinal cord.

  • Bone spurs: As the disks begin to break down, the body produces extra amounts of bone as a misguided effort to strengthen the spine. These bone spurs cause the spinal cord to pinch.

  • Stiff ligaments: Ligaments are tissue that connect one bone to another. Spinal ligaments can become stiff with age.

Cervical Spondylosis Risk Factors

  • Ageing

  • Occupation or jobs involving repetitive neck motions and poor positioning that puts extra amount of stress on the neck.

  • Previous neck injuries

  • Genetic factors

  • Smoking

Cervical Spondylosis Diagnosis

Physical Examination

For the diagnosis of cervical spondylosis, a doctor will most likely conduct a physical examination including:

  • Checking the neck for range of motion

  • Testing muscle strength and reflexes

  • Checking the way of walking to determine spinal compression.

Imaging Tests

Imaging tests help deduce the right diagnosis and treatment of cervical spondylosis, including:

  • Neck X-ray that helps detect changes in spine including bone spurs.

  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves and produces detailed images that help pinpoint areas where the nerves are pinched.

  • CT (Computed Tomography) Myelography involves the use of a dye that is injected into the spinal canal to provide detailed imaging.

Nerve Function Tests

Nerve function tests help detect if the nerve signals are effectively travelling to the nerves. These tests may include:

  • Nerve conduction study: In this test, electrodes are attached to the skin above the orthonerve that has to be studied. Then, a small shock is passed to the nerve in order to measure the speed and strength of nerve signals.

  • Electromyography: This test detects electrical activity in the nerves as they transmit messages to the muscles, both when the muscles are in a resting or contracting stage.

Cervical Spondylosis Treatment

Treatment of cervical spondylosis varies based on its severity. Cervical spondylosis treatment aims to relieve pain and permanent spinal cord or nerve injury.


If pain relievers are not effective, an orthopaedician may prescribe:

  • NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen to relieve pain and inflammation.

  • A short course of corticosteroids to ease pain.

  • Muscle relaxants to help relieve muscle spasms in the neck.

  • Anti-seizure medications to reduce the pain associated with damaged nerves.

  • Antidepressant medications to help ease neck pain caused by cervical spondylosis.


Physical therapy to help improve the strength in muscles of the neck and shoulders. For some people with cervical spondylosis, traction helps create space within pinched nerve roots within the spine.


In cases where conservative treatment fails or neurological symptoms of cervical spondylosis worsen, surgery may be recommended to create space for spinal cord and nerve roots.

Surgery may also involve removing a part of vertebra, herniated disk and bone spurs. A neck segment may also need to be fused with the help of bone grafts.


What is the best treatment for cervical spondylosis?

The best treatment for cervical spondylosis includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, physical therapy, ice or heat and surgery to relieve pressure on the nerves or spinal cord.

What is the reason for cervical spondylosis?

One of the main reasons for cervical spondylosis is chronic wear and tear of the spine. This includes disks between the joints and neck vertebrae between the bones of the cervical spine.

What should I do to avoid cervical spondylosis?

Some steps to prevent cervical spondylosis may include:

  • Avoid sitting in the same posture for a prolonged period of time.

  • Avoid sleeping on mattresses that are too soft or plushy.

  • Avoid sleeping in an area where the fan or air-conditioner blows air directly at you.

Is walking good for cervical spondylosis?

Regular exercise may prove to be beneficial for mild cervical spondylosis. Staying active supports a speedy recovery. Walking in general reduces the risk of lower back and neck pain.

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